Isokern Magnum Series
With 70 years of unparalleled performance in the fireplace industry, the Isokern line has become the most trusted modular system in the world. Isokern Fireplaces are less expensive to install than traditional masonry fireplaces. And, unlike typical metal box fireplaces or concrete systems, they are built to last forever.
See our brochure for Isokern Fireplaces.
Product Specifications
Note: 36”, 42” and 48” dimensions reflect the width opening.
Disclaimer: All fireplaces need firebrick installed inside. Firebrick sold separately, see accessories page.

Isokern Standard Series
With 70 years of unparalleled performance in the fireplace industry, the Isokern line has become the most trusted modular system in the world. Isokern Fireplaces are less expensive to install than traditional masonry fireplaces. And, unlike typical metal box fireplaces or concrete systems, they are built to last forever.
See our brochure for Isokern Fireplaces.
Product Specifications
Note: 36”, 42” and 46” dimensions reflect the width opening.
Disclaimer: All fireplaces need firebrick installed inside. Firebrick sold separately, see accessories page.

Isokern Accessories
Transform your backyard into your own personal pizzeria. Putting a new twist on an old tradition, Earthcore’s Wood-Burning Pizza Oven can be installed in a matter of hours. To achieve this, we use only the finest insulation and lightweight materials. As with all Earthcore products, it’s designed to last a lifetime. This perfect marriage between old world style and modern technology makes the perfect pizza a delicious reality.
Product Specifications
Customize your Isokern Pizza Oven with EP Henry’s beautiful line of Cast Veneer Stone finishes. Handcrafted from molds cast from stone, Cast Veneer Stone is virtually indistinguishable from natural stone. Also available in brick styles.
Pizza Kit – Complete Set
Pizza Kit includes: Oven component, mortar, inner liner, inwall/inboard, thermometer, 26 firebricks and 3 tubes of high temperature caulk (cooking surface: 43 1/2” x 17 1/4” D)
Total weight: 1,100 lbs per Cube.

Necessories™ Compact Fireplaces
A fireplace can transform any backyard into a gathering place of comfort and style, no matter how big or small…
At just over six feet high and three feet wide (without wood box), the Compact Fireplace is ideal for smaller backyards and patios. The Compact Fireplace kit comes complete with high temp protective firebrick, ensuring durability and enhancing the overall appearance. Popular for its affordability, smaller footprint, and uncomplicated style, the Compact Fireplace will generate warm accolades from family and guests for years to come.
See our brochure for Necessories™ Fireplaces.
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Compact Fireplace Kit – Complete Set
Standard Features: Protective fire brick, easy-to-read step-by-step instructions, hand chiseled limestone mantels and tops, units precut and sized to fit, steel reinforcements, even includes VOC compliant adhesive and gloves.
Total weight: 3,960 lbs per Cube.

Necessories™ Grand Fireplaces
There’s nothing quite like the warmth and glow from a crackling fire in your own backyard living room…
At more than eight feet high and up to twelve feet wide (with wood boxes), the Grand Fireplace is the perfect centerpiece for your outdoor living room. Its appeal comes from a large profile, universal design and aged appearance.
See our brochure for Necessories™ Fireplaces.
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Grand Fireplace Kit – Complete Set
Standard Features: a Lennox Hearth Products Merit™ Plus 36″ stainless steel wood-burning fireplace insert, 4’ stainless steel stovepipe chimney, spark suppressor cap, easy-to-read step-by-step instructions, hand chiseled limestone mantels and tops, concrete precut and sized to fit, steel reinforcements, even includes VOC compliant adhesive and gloves.
Total weight: 9,667 lbs per Cube.